domingo, 21 de febrero de 2010

When All Hope Is Gone

Porque hay veces que no podemos dejar escapar un grito, y sin querer dejamos una falsa sonrisa tan solo para disimular la agonia dentro de nosotros.
Porque llorar no sirve en estos momentos.
Sin embargo se que no es facil dejarte ir,porque tarde o temprano ire a buscarte.

Oí decir que los romances a largas distancias eran dificiles. Lo acepto pero no son imposibles.
is that there are times when I leave everything, but I never dare, just do not forget to ask you how much I love

"Lately there has been talk can walk alone. It is not easy, when you loved that person. When you put your hope, your heart and your happiness to your hands.
When you have sold your soul to the highest bidder ... and please never have asked you away from that person. It's hard to wake up and feel that it is not.
I beg you please, I beg and implore you ... do not leave me, do not let them walk alone in this world."

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